Talk Trinity

Uninterrupted and unbiased, be heard, and know that you are not alone.

No judgment or any unwanted opinions just a therapeutic conversation at your convenience with descretion guaranteed.

Today Is Time To Talk Day!

Studies have shown that simply talking about our problems and sharing negative emotions with someone we trust can be profoundly healing-reducing stress, strengthening our immune system, and reducing physical and emotional distress.  (Pennebaker, Kiecolt-Glaser, & Glaser, 1988)

Welcome To Talk Trinity

I make time for you when you need to talk.

Welcome to Talk Trinity, a haven for uninterrupted therapeutic conversations without judgment or bias. This platform is designed to provide you with a supportive space where you can freely express your thoughts, feelings, and emotions without fear of criticism or exposure. Join me today and embark on a journey towards self-discovery, healing, and personal growth. Your mental well-being is my top priority, and I am here to accompany you every step of the way. Let's chat without reservations and embrace a brighter, more empowered tomorrow together.

At Talk Trinity, I believe in the power of empathic listening and genuine understanding. I am here to offer you a listening ear, compassionate support, and valuable insights to help you navigate life's challenges. 

Rest assured that your privacy is a top priority, at Talk Trinity, I guarantee discretion and confidentiality in all your interactions. No calls are recorded, ensuring that your conversations remain private and secure.

Hi, my name is Lavinia. I am a dedicated professional with a passion for holistic healing and well-being. As a complementary medicine practitioner since 2009, I have been running a successful clinical practice where I and other practitioners provide clients with personalised treatment and care from reflexology, personal fitness and nutrition plans, massage, homeopathy, and counselling rooms. 

With my degree in counselling degree in counselling and complementary medicine, I believe in a non-political and empathic approach to helping others achieve balance and harmony in their lives. I pride myself on being a great listener, valuing every caller, and offering a supportive space for them to share their concerns and challenges.

In addition to my counselling expertise, I also offer insights from Tarot cards for those looking to explore deeper aspects of their lives or gain clarity on potential influences. I am dedicated to helping individuals on their journey toward self-discovery and empowerment.

Experience the Freedom.

Reassurance is first aid, comfort is a human right that can sometimes be out of reach for even some of the wealthiest and most successful of people. 

Growing Service Established since 2022

Happy Callers

Happier Lives.

Certified Professional

A therapist with Counselling Skills.

Appointments Preferable

Text for last-minute slot availability.


Don't just take my word for it. See what my callers have to say. My callers appreciate the high-quality services I provide, and they're happy to share their experiences.

A friend recommended Talk Trinity and I haven't looked back. I so look forward to my weekly bookings because it's just so nice, nice to have an earnest lengthy chat with an intelligent, positive person. Having Lavinia on the periphery of my life is just the kind of support I never knew I needed. I can vent my spleen without any consequences, judgment, or worry.  Priceless feeling.


The best two hours of my week are with Talk Trinity. Lavinia is the best listener, challenger, and supporter I have. Feels great getting things off my chest while I sit in traffic or commuting on public transport. Lavinia is like my travel companion when no one else is available. I get to be myself

and say what I like, and it is so refreshing not to adhere to society's politically correct culture. especially with my work, that's why I call myself Mark. 


 Talk Trinity Costs

30-Minute Call - £25.00

60-Minute Call - £45.00

90-Minute Call - £60.00

120-Minute Call - £80.00

180-Minute Call - £100.00

Book An Appointment

Please feel free to either call, text, email or fill in the contact form here - let's talk soon.
